Friday, May 18, 2007

Night Out for the Girls

Originally I intended for this to be a very serious blog, for discussing feelings and emotions, halachic and haskafic thoughts on the subject.

However, my dear friend Aviva, asked if I could write some fiction. So I figured its Rosh Hodesh, and Sfira is over, so why not have some fun.

Sara really does need to get out more, so Avia, myself, SM, and Esti decided, why not go to this lovely Tzedoka event. I heard about this backyard BBQ in a very posh neighborhood.. Fortunately, I don’t live anywhere near there and no one knows me or my friends, so why not. Aviva thought it was a great idea, so I called SM, and Esti. Chumi couldn’t make it, because her best friends Vort was that night.

It took a long time to decide what to wear. I had these outfits to choose from .

Finally I decided on this.

It goes well with these...


Now I need a Sheitl to go with it..

Now all I need is the right bag.. Decisions, decisions... !!!

Nuance Perfume was the piece de Resistance..

Aviva had a really stunning outfit, too.

When you go to these functions, its very important to come early, because one would that these ladies never saw food in their life, all the good stuff disapears so fast. The pregnant ones, especially can really eat, K'Ayin Hora. Can't say that I blame them as the food is really good, and I love BBQ.. However, its worth mentioning, and this is serious, pay mention to how you eat. If you are used to being around Yeshiva guys, your manners are probably not up to snuff. The ladies have impeccable manners and etiquette and eat very gracefully. This will give you away faster than anything else.

The Chinese Auction was really exquisite. I ended up with nothing as usual, story of my life, but Esti is always winning something. This time, a really cool Cuisinart blender, last time it was a very elegant lamp.

After that, there was a musical presentation, by a group of High Schol girls.
Uch, oh, now we're in trouble, I said to Aviva.I had to think fast.

Upon reviewing the entire sugya in my mind and working it through, I finally came to the following conclusion. First of all, R Ezril Hildesheimer wrote a Tshuva and Poskined that Trei Kolos Lo Mistamei (several voices at once arent discernible ). and tend to drown each other out so there isnt a recognizable Kol Isha. Although the Gam' in Sotah 48a, discusses a ladies quoir with men answering the refrains and finds it very bad, because it incites the Yetzer Hara, like a lit match burns up straw.The Mishna Brura (560:13), cites this and rather vehemently condems this custom of quoires in shul. Nevertheless, this case is different. Tos' in RH, states that if one hears a Tekiah and a trumpet-blast at the same time, one can be yoitzeh the mitzva of Tekias Shofar, because he greatly relishes the mitzva and will be mechavin to the Shofar. One sees from this, that if not for the mitzva, we would say Trei Koilos Lo Mistame. So it would seem that in this case, with the girls singing, one can rely on R Hildesheimer's psak. In addition, there is a tziruf, that there was a microphone/sound system, so we are actually hearing Kol electronics, rather than a real Kol Isha.

As it turned out, during the singing, a lady sitting next to us, was talking rather loudly to her frend about a girl that just got engaged..In the row behind us, two girls were discussing how crazy their HS is, and how new takanas are being enforced concerning tight A-line skirts. So we didnt hear the singing so clearly.

Most of the ladies were vere very sweet. Sometimes you meet very snobby types, at these things, but this time it was very nice, and it was for a very chshuv Hachnasas Calla organization.

We left a lil bit early, so we could go out for drinks. We're all a lil bit decadent, and they never serve alcohol at woman's events.

After a very delightful conversation about shoes, upscale salad-bars, and where to go for sales on summer-weight knits, it was time to call it a night.A wondeful time was had by all..


Aviva Tamar said...


But if you're going to put up pictures without models, you may as well just pull them from!

Shoshana said...

Ugh, they have such junk. Wouldnt wear those things if they gave it to me for free.. Those outfits are on the post are from Brooks Brothers, Nordstrom , BarriePace, and European boutiques..

You dont wear a 2000$ HH Sheitl with shmattas, lol...

Sara with NO H said...

I would've gone for the back and are stunning though. Eww...funkyfrum? Shosh, if you shop at funkyfrum, I'm not coming here ever again...

Aviva Tamar said...

No, it's not that I actually like those frumpyfrum clothes (what do we know? we're guys!), it's just that they have everything shown without models. the fantasy is better with models!

Sara with NO H said...

That REALLY depends on the models...some of the models these days just make women look bad, bad, bad.

Aviva Tamar said...

Thanks for dressing me, Shoshana, but I found this old shmatta in the closet instead:

I think it's much more sophisticated for a night out with the girls. And you never know; some rich guy might be watching!

Aviva Tamar said...

It looks like the URL got cut off. I'll replace my dress on the post.

Shoshana said...

sara: Thanks for dropping by, Im a big fan of yours. When we have our fashion show, YOU are definitely the photographer.


Shoshana said...

Aviva....Actually I had a really beautiful pic of yours from the JAP blog, in a Word Doc, spent a lot of time trying to import it here w/o success..

ESTI said...

No self respecting woman of ANY gender would be caught dead in anything on the frumpyfrum page.KEYWORD:FRUMPY.
If crossdressers wear that stuff..they belong in the closet.
The shoes are beautiful though.
Have a great shabbos

Aviva Tamar said...

Hot Shanie, tell me which picture and maybe I can tell you where it was from, or find it myself.

ESTI said...

Can someone please tell me what the REAL reason for this blog is? I was under the impression it was for frum crossdressers to have an outlet

Shoshana said...

That is my main and primary objective, Esti.

Why do you ask ?

Have a wonderful Shabbos

Sara with NO H said...

How exciting! I have a fan! lol.

Too bad I'm not in NY anymore. I'm always looking for people that want their picture taken. G"S!

Shoshana said...

Aviva, that outfit is much nicer.. Much more atitude..

Aviva Tamar said...

I know. It's an attitude that I only have when dressed as a woman, not as a man.

Anonymous said...

yes a good time was had by all...

Perele said...

I LOVE THIS BLOG, so when are you girls all going out again...

yafa said...

lovely girls, some years have passed, are you still keeping in touch with friends.
or have you transformed to the boring men